Just want to get out a bit from my normal posting article. I received this pictures from a forwarding e-mail by some friend. This guy that look like from a same company is mocking or using banknote to make funny faces. Some people may found this kind of act is funny but some people will feel offended by this picture. This people may not know that their kind of act is an offence in some country. As what I can see, they are using Malaysia Ringgit, Saudi Arabia Riyal and Italy Lire.
Every country has legal restrictions on the reproduction of banknote images. The counterfeiting of currency is a crime, and while restrictions vary from country to country, in some countries, any reproduction of banknote images – even for artistic or advertising uses – is strictly forbidden. Even in countries that allow some limited use of banknote images, there are specific rules and requirements.
Some country don't allow their national symbol, President, King. Queen or Prime Minister to be shown in distort images or in a manner that consider offensive or against public interest. Some other country don't even allowed their banknote to be produced in any form. I guess this guy is from Malaysia since most of the banknote used in this images are using Malaysia Ringgit. If any of your friends in in this picture, please advise them not to do this ever again. Please tell them that their are making jokes and fun to Malaysia 1st Yang Dipertuan Agong Picture.
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