The People Republic of China is located in Eastern Asia, has an area of 3,696,100 sq miles, including Manchuria and Tibet. Their capital is Beijing (Peking). The Communist People Republic of China was proclaimed on 2 September 1949. China emerged as independent center of Communist power in 1958. Upon the defeat of the Kuomintang & the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China, the communist government issued a new form of currency, the "Peoples Currency" or Renminbi as a replacement for all other notes in an effort to inject a stabilizing influence into the disorganized economy. People currency, Foreign Exchange Certificates and certain level or emergency issues are the only Forms of Paper money permitted by the communist government.
The fourth series of the renminbi was the series introduced between 1987 and 1997, although the banknotes were dated 1980, 1990, or 1996. Unlike the second and the third series, they are still legal tender. It features 14 person of China Various Communities.
1 jiao - 2 taiwanese men
2 jiao- Pu Yi & Korean Youth
5 jiao-Miao & Zhuang children
1 Yuan- Dong & Yao Youth
2 Yuan-Hygur & Ye Yin Youth
5 Yuan- Old Tibetan man & Young Islamic women
10 Yuan-Elder Han & Youthful Mongolian.
Han Chinese constitute about 92 percent of the population of the People's Republic of China and about 19 percent of the entire global human population. In Malaysia, there is about 6.5 million Han Chinese. Besides the majority Han Chinese, China recognizes 55 other "nationalities" or ethnic groups, numbering approximately 105 million persons, mostly concentrated in the northwest, north, northeast, south, and southwest but with some in central interior areas. Some famous Han Chinese are Sun Yat-Sen, Qin Shi Huang, Jackie Chan and Yao Ming.
Source: wikipedia & Krause Publication Standard Catalog of world Paper Money 1998.
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